FTC Complaint Details How Not to Run a Negative Option Program

April 27th, 2017|The Brand Lawyer, Uncategorized|

by Lisa Dubrow Last month the FTC filed another suit against a group of online marketers for violating the FTC Act and Restore Online Shoppers’ Confidence Act (“ROSCA”). The company allegedly marketed golf-related products and cooking gadgets under the names Kitchen Advance; Gourmet Cooking Online; [...]

A Mediated Reality

March 21st, 2017|Mediated Reality, Uncategorized|

Hello and Welcome As this generation of wizards leap forward with new technologies, it seems that every week brings some mind-bending new invention alongside. At the forefront of this movement is the visual unveiling of a world coming into being before our eyes. We are [...]

HW News Highlights

December 12th, 2016|News, Press, Uncategorized|

Dear Friends, As we head toward a new year, we are delighted to share with you some of the exciting news, events, awards, wins and client successes we and our clients experienced during 2016. We begin with our brand-new website! www.holmesweinberg.com. Designed in collaboration with [...]